5.00 out of 5


All Vouchers are valid from 24th December 2024 until 24th December 2025


 This is a fantastic birds of prey experience where you will get up close and personal handling and flying a variety of owls, both native and  exotic. During the experience you will receive lots of information about the owls and be able to ask as many questions as you like, giving you a real insight into the world of Owls. This is a 2 hour indoor birds of prey experience, available mornings only.

Available Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Once you have purchased your voucher we will send it out by first class mail within 24 hours, we will also email you a temporary voucher if you purchase near to Christmas with the post being a very busy time.

Please note: Our centre is built on split levels so is not suitable for wheelchair users unless they are able to walk a short distance which includes a small flight of steps.

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All Vouchers are valid from 24th December 2024 until 24th December 2025

This is a fantastic experience where you will get up close and personal handling and flying a variety of owls, both native and exotic.

During the experience you will receive lots of information about the owls and be able to ask as many questions as you like, giving you a real insight into the world of Owls.

This is a 2 hour indoor birds of prey experience, available mornings only.

Please note: Our centre is built on split levels so is not suitable for wheelchair users unless they are able to walk a short distance which includes a small flight of steps.


Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Spectators | £10 each
(Spectators will be alongside the person participating and can take as many photos or as much video footage as they want to.)

Buy safely online or call us

Daytime: 10am-4pm     01884 277297



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